Day 2 of 31 Five Minute Free Writes: GIFT

We are not an accident.  God formed our inward parts, knit us together.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the universe Himself (Psalm 139).  Each one of us in uniquely made with our own personalities, talents, passions, and gifts.  The apostle Paul spoke a lot about gifts (see Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12-14, Ephesians 4).  Some of us are gifted pastors, evangelists, prophets.  Others are gifted with gifts of service, teaching, encouragement, giving, administration, leadership, mercy, wisdom, knowledge faith, and healing.

 I did not really know my gifts until I was an adult.  Thanks to spiritual gift tests I have taken, I have was able to name my gifts: exhortation/ encouragement, teaching, faith, pastor/shepherding, leadership.  These gifts fuel me to write.  They fuel me to do what I do in my local church.   In my early adult life, I have been told by that I lacked passion in life.  I am not sure if that is the case now.  What I have learned in this last year or two is that when we use our God-given gifts, a passion is awakened inside us.  I may be an introvert, but engage me in a conversation about human nature, or Jesus, or church, and the change in my face and tone.  Using my God-given gifts have awakened the passion to point others to THE Greatest Gift of all- Jesus Christ.

What are your gifts? How are you using them, and if not, what is holding you back?

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