14 of 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes: VOICE

We live in a noisy world. We have TV shows at our disposal anytime and anywhere. In my home, my husband likes to keep the TV for background noise. We have access to music, podcasts, and audiobooks anytime and anywhere. And then there’s the inner chatter that goes on in our minds.

If you’re like me, that inner chatter doesn’t seem to stop. Sometimes, it’s my own voice, running through what I need to do that day. Sometimes, it’s a reply of a conversation I had with someone. Sometimes, it’s another voice nitpicking that same conversation, “you sounded so stupid. You talked too much.” Sometimes, the inner chatter is positive. But a lot of times, it’s self defeating.

Scientists say there are different sources for that inner chatter. It can be our own insecurities. It can be the voices of those who have discouraged or criticized us in the past. Scientists also said that it takes five positive praises or comments to erase one negative comment or criticism. 

I am forty years old. I can’t turn back time and erase all the negative voices that I have absorbed and have now become the inner chatter in my mind. But I can replace it with the One Voice that should matter to me. 

“My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me” (John 10:27).

I want to hear my Shepherd’s voice when I wake up. I want to hear His voice when I am on a crossroad. I want to hear His voice when the inner chatter tells me I’m unlovable and unforgivable.

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