Back to School Tool: PRAYERS

I was driving home from my 14 year-old's High School Freshman Orientation, and I noticed that some of the leaves were already changing colors.  SAY IT AIN'T SO!  Summer is over. Fall is here.  Many of my friends outside of New York have been sharing their back to school pictures.  My boys go back to school tomorrow.

Parents prepare for the school year by shopping for school supplies, buying a new backpack, maybe a matching lunchbox, and of course, back to school clothes.  Some of my fellow moms are even further along on their motherhood journey and went college shopping- small dorm-size fridge, bedding, space-efficient storage bins, and so on. All these are important, but let us not forget the most important thing we have to do as our children go back to school: PRAY.

Here are some prayers you can pray over your children, regardless of their age.  The prayers contain Scripture BUT please know that you do not have to be a Scripture expert to pray for your children!  Use these as your guide.  However, remember that the power of prayer isn't in the words we speak or how well we can incorporate Scripture into our prayers.  The power of prayer is in the ONE WHO HEARS THEM.

In addition to praying for our children, let us also pray for the teachers who will be spending several hours a day with our children.  I love these prayers I found in Crosswalk, there is a prayer for parents to pray and one for teachers to pray as well.  Here's to another successful school year for everyone!

Do you have a specific area in your child's live that you need to pray over?  I'd love to pray for you and your child! Please leave a comment below or email me:

In Christ,

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