THANKSGIVING. Family, friends, football, and food... and abundance of food. Since Thanksgiving is somewhat of the kickoff the holiday season, too much indulgence on Thanksgiving Day may just set the tone for how you eat for the rest of the season. I'm not saying do not enjoy yourself on Thanksgiving dinner but I am saying not to overindulge. So how can you set a healthier tone for the holidays and avoid holiday weight gain?
Fit in a workout for the day. This Thanksgiving Day, I plan on starting my day with my usual work in and work out. I will be lacing my sneakers, popping in a Focus T25 or P90X3 DVD and getting my work out in. Yes, it is a holiday. But it doesn't have to be my rest day. I choose those two programs because one is 25 minutes long and the other is 30 minutes long. You may not have these programs but I'm sure you can set aside 30 minutes to go for a run or a walk.If you can't somehow fit in a workout the morning of Thanksgiving, plan to take a walk after Thanksgiving dinner. Make it a fun, family activity. Take the kids, grandma, whoever wants to join, and take a nice stroll around the neighborhood. Let your family members/ friends now what you plan on doing and recruit people to go along with you. If you know you're going for a walk afterwards, you will be less tempted to stuff yourself until you explode during the meal.
Do you really need that appetizer??? My dad is a great cook. Everything he makes is off the wall delicious. (OK, I'm drooling now). I think the reason for that is because he is slow and deliberate when he cooked. So, during get togethers growing up, my mom always had food out so we had things to munch on while we were waiting for the main meal. I know a lot of families have a similar custom. As much as I hate sounding like the Thanksgiving grinch, do we REALLY need all that appetizer? Instead of stuffing your face before stuffing your face some more, why not use that time to play a game? Or actually talk to each other and see what is going on in each other's lives? Or whether permitting, go outside and play football or kickball... or take a walk (haha!).3. DROP THE FORK AND NOBODY GETS HURT.
When you are full- STOP EATING! Stop saying, "Oh, I'm really full." and keep picking at the food! When you are putting food on your plate, instead of putting heaps and heaps of food, start with a little bit of everything. When I say a little bit, I mean a little bit. Enjoy the food. Savor every bite. Seriously, who gave us permission to be gluttons for Thanksgiving? And, my dear friend? Forgive me for sounding like I'm judging. I'm not judging you. I'M PREACHING TO MYSELF TOO!! In the past, I've acted like the food will vanish if I don't eat it all. If I love it so much, I can pack it up and eat it the following day! According the, leftovers can last up to 3-4 days.4. EASE UP ON THE ALCOHOL.
Another thing people like to do during big gatherings like Thanksgiving is celebrate with alcohol. A glass of wine (maybe even two) is alright in my book. A no-no is drinking yourself to a stupor (ok, maybe that's an exaggeration- but you get my drift). Healthy doesn't only mean not overindulging when we eat. It also means your overall health. Drinking all that alcohol, even if it's only on special occasions, is hazardous to your liver. AAANNND, if there's family drama that has been swept under the rug for the sake of togetherness for the holidays, alcohol may just take get that drama out from under the rug and get everyone riled up!5. HELP OUT WITH CLEAN UP. BONUS: THE HOSTESS WILL LOVE YOU!
Wanna burn off a bit of those calories you just inhaled? Help clean up after dinner. You'll be moving around and burning calories. The hostess will appreciate it and love you. Just make sure you don't pick at the leftovers as you're putting them away. #1- That's just gross. #2- That's gluttony since you just ate.![]() | |
My fitness partner and I geared up for Thanksgiving by pushing each other to workout all this week. |
Put it in your calendar! Set a reminder for yourself! WORK OUT THE NEXT DAY! If you have a workout buddy, schedule it with him/ h er ahead of time so you can keep each other accountable.THE WINNER OF THE MY LIFE STILL COUNTS BOOK GIVEAWAY: Christa Cordova!! Congratulations!